I wrote about this issue nearly a year ago. And still, it persists. To review: Everyday means ordinary or commonly occurring while every day means each and every single day. Sly Stone assures us that in spite of his fame and lifestyle, he is simply “everyday people.”...
Whether you think Ronald Reagan was a great communicator or THE great communicator or simply a decent one, the man knew how to tell a story and land a joke. A great example is the now-legendary moment during a 1984 debate with Walter Mondale. For those who...
Business presenters often complain about the sight of audience members texting and tweeting away while they speak. I choose to see it as a challenge instead of an annoyance. First, let’s be clear: distracted audiences are nothing new. I remember a college...
Storytelling is both deceptively simple and deceptively complex. That is, people either underestimate or overestimate its difficulty. As a result, some people get intimidated and don’t believe they can tell a decent story. Others are undeterred, and go around...
Editing your own material is one of the hardest things for a writer to do. And it is a must-have skill in this attention span-challenged age. I was reminded of this as I prepare a couple of upcoming speeches. “Where can I possibly make cuts? It’s ALL...