About Rob Biesenbach
The Man. The Mission.
Fighting to put an end to Death by PowerPoint and dull, ordinary communication
Here’s the Story
How I got here, how I can help.

The Backstory
At the dawn of the millennium, I struck out on my own and have been working independently ever since. But the true turning point came when I got the proverbial acting bug.
I signed up for classes at Chicago’s famed Second City Training Center and threw myself into improv and sketch. That led to a full-fledged second career as a theater and commercial actor, eventually appearing in nearly 200 productions.
The Inciting Incident
One night it hit me. I was backstage, preparing to go on, when I had a revelation that changed my life.
And, it turns out, the lives of countless others.
Everything I was learning and doing as an actor could be applied directly to the problems my business clients faced in my “day job.”
Both acting and business require you to connect with your audience, tap into emotion and your humanity, weave a compelling narrative, and bring energy to a room.

The Conflict
Now the ugly truth is, I wasn’t the greatest actor. Critics hailed my talents as “serviceable.” Instructors praised me as “punctual.” Casting directors valued me as “older male, 30s/40s.”
But I found my niche writing words for others, just as I had been doing for years as a speechwriter and message strategist. Only here I was writing sketches and short plays.
I realized I could create stories with a deep emotional truth that touched and moved audiences. And even made them laugh.

The Resolution
From this spark of an idea, I launched a brand new career. Writing books, delivering speeches and workshops, and providing coaching.
All of it using lessons from the world of performance to help people perform better — in the workplace, the marketplace and their everyday lives.
I’m Rob Biesenbach and I’m fighting to make the world’s ballrooms, conference rooms and Zoom rooms safe again for audiences. By putting an end to Death by PowerPoint. By making every leader a storyteller. By helping them communicate like humans should.
Today I travel the world and the Internet, working with great organizations like AARP, Coca-Cola and Deloitte, helping their people become more powerful, persuasive communicators.

Happily Ever After
I’ve always been a late bloomer. Which back in the day meant “immature.” Today I tell myself it manifests as a childlike sense of wonder, curiosity, and adventure.
A little over a decade ago I added “husband” to my many roles. Followed by “father.” These two kids are the joy of life. Leaving them is the hardest thing I do.
And the only thing that pulls me away from them is the opportunity to work with great clients on exciting programs that make a real difference in people’s work and lives.
Let’s get together and make your story happen.
Let’s Work Together
To find the right solution for you, Rob’s happy to talk through the options.